Products: Full Catalog

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Image Description ///Mfr Part #List Price Stock Price Add
Trend Micro Cloud One Endpoint Security Trend Micro - Trend Micro Cloud One Endpoint Security
Subscription license - 1 device - hosted - volume - 5001-10000 licenses
CXNN0104 $27.80 1 $35.00
Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security Trend Micro - Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security
Subscription license - hosted - volume - 5001-10000 licenses - with Trend Micro XDR Add-On
CXNM0015 $226.71 1 $209.00
Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security Trend Micro - Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security
Subscription license renewal - hosted - volume - 501-1000 licenses - with Trend Micro XDR Add-On
CXRM0007 $270.07 1 $249.00
Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security Trend Micro - Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security
Subscription license renewal - hosted - volume - 2001-5000 licenses - with Trend Micro XDR Add-On
CXRM0009 $241.17 1 $222.00
Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security Trend Micro - Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security
Subscription license renewal - hosted - volume - 10001-25000 licenses - with Trend Micro XDR Add-On
CXRM0011 $213.10 1 $197.00
Trend Micro Service One Enhanced Endpoint & Workloads Trend Micro - Trend Micro Service One Enhanced Endpoint & Workloads
Subscription license renewal - 1 user - volume - 501-1000 licenses - Messaging included
SYRN0031 $26.25 2 $42.00
Cisco Webex Contact Center Enterprise SQL Server Enterprise Cisco - Cisco Webex Contact Center Enterprise SQL Server Enterprise
Subscription license - 2 cores - hosted
A-WXCCE-F-SQLE $2,000.00 2 $1,744.00
Cisco Threat Defense Threat and Malware Cisco - Cisco Threat Defense Threat and Malware
Subscription license (1 year) - 1 appliance - ESD
L-FPR3130T-TM-1Y $34,170.00 10000 $21,256.00
Veritas Data Insight Plus Cloud Storage Veritas - Veritas Data Insight Plus Cloud Storage
On-Premise subscription conversion license (1 year) + Essential Support - 1 TB capacity - upgrade from perpetual license - GOV - GLP
31162-M5565 $2,163.00 9999 $1,850.00
VERITAS NetBackup Data Mover Veritas - VERITAS NetBackup Data Mover
On-Premise subscription conversion license (2 years) + Essential Support - 1 front end TB - upgrade from perpetual license - academic - ALP
31962-M5561 $2,398.00 9999 $2,051.00
VERITAS NetBackup Data Mover Veritas - VERITAS NetBackup Data Mover
On-Premise subscription conversion license (5 years) + Essential Support - 1 front end TB - upgrade from perpetual license - corporate - CLP
31962-M5551 $6,494.32 10000 $4,238.00
Cisco Digital Network Architecture Advantage Cisco - Cisco Digital Network Architecture Advantage
Cloud Subscription License (1 month) - up to 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps aggregated throughput
DNA-C-T2-A-1M $525.00 10000 $384.00
Cisco Digital Network Architecture Premier Cloud Cisco - Cisco Digital Network Architecture Premier Cloud
Term License (1 month) - 10 Gbps, 20 Gbps aggregated throughput
DNA-C-T3-P-1M $3,575.00 9999 $2,242.00
Cisco Digital Network Architecture Premier On Premise Cisco - Cisco Digital Network Architecture Premier On Premise
Term License (1 month) - up to 200 Mbps, 400 Mbps aggregated throughput - Tier 1
DNA-P-T1-P-1M $506.25 9999 $371.00
Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager Cisco - Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager
XS Device Advantage - Right-to-manage license (12-35 months) - SIA - ESD
EPNM-FXS-RTM1YSIA N/A 9999 $25.00
Cisco Prime Network Registrar Smart DHCP/DNS Base Cisco - Cisco Prime Network Registrar Smart DHCP/DNS Base
Subscription license (1 year) - 10000 IP nodes - SIA - ESD
PNRS1-SL-DD-10K N/A 9999 $2,291.00
Cisco Prime Network Registrar Smart DHCP Cisco - Cisco Prime Network Registrar Smart DHCP
Subscription license (1 year) - 1000000 IP leases - SIA - ESD
PNRS1-SL-DHCP-1M N/A 9999 $27,694.00
Cisco Prime Network Registrar Smart DNS Cisco - Cisco Prime Network Registrar Smart DNS
Subscription license (1 year) - 40000 RRs - SIA - ESD
PNRS1-SL-DNS-10K N/A 9999 $1,474.00
Veritas eDiscovery Capacity Suite Platform PPAR + Legal Hold Veritas - Veritas eDiscovery Capacity Suite Platform PPAR + Legal Hold
On-Premise subscription license (4 years) + Verified Support - unlimited users, 100 GB capacity - corporate - CLP - US Citizen / US Soil Case Management
30783-M4211 $212,091.52 9999 $197,341.00
Veritas eDiscovery Capacity Suite Platform PPAR + Legal Hold Veritas - Veritas eDiscovery Capacity Suite Platform PPAR + Legal Hold
On-Premise subscription license (5 years) + Verified Support - unlimited users, 100 GB capacity - academic - ALP - US Citizen / US Soil Case Management
30783-M4218 $265,114.39 9999 $246,677.00